FAQ about Japanese porn sites

This page summarizes the frequently asked questions related to Japanese porn sites. If you have any questions in addition to the following Q&A, please contact us from here. Japanese Porn Guide.com is encrypted with all the pages. Please be assured because your e-mail address will be no leaked to the outside.

Even after you unsubscribe the adult sites, The porn videos downloaded can be played back at any time. Copy restriction or playback restrictions such as DRM has not been applied. Not only to playing but also copy is also possible. But do not upload the erotic movies copied to video sites. Because it will copyright law violation.

The Kind of porn video files that can be downloaded from the Japanese porn sites is mainly mp4 and wmv. You can play as it is in if Windows user in WindowMediaPlayer. Your smartphone can play as it is not necessary special playback software. I think that it can be played on Mac user if QuickTime, but in rare cases wmv files can not be played. Please install the WindowsMediaPlayer for Mac in that case.

File format of erotic videos that have been delivered in the Japanese adult sites is mp4, wmv or flv. If ordinary Windows user, you can play in the Internet Explorer. Downloaded erotic videos also can be played on WindowsMediaPlayer. You can also play in the browser in your smartphone. Just for streaming playback of flv format might need Adobe Flash Player. In that case, click here. Playback software is recommended for non-WindowsMediaPlayer has been introduced in this page.