FAQ about Japanese porn sites

This page summarizes the frequently asked questions related to Japanese porn sites. If you have any questions in addition to the following Q&A, please contact us from here. Japanese Porn Guide.com is encrypted with all the pages. Please be assured because your e-mail address will be no leaked to the outside.

You do not need to prepare the Japanese Yen. All Japanese porn site accept the US dollar.

Yes, really fixed fee. It does not require additional fee for each viewing or downloading of porn videos. Even with the same ID and password, it is available without additional charge on the smartphone.

In illegal adult sites and fraudulent websites will charge a high fee. But please do not worry. The Japanese porn sites that are introduced in this site can be enjoyed at a reasonable fixed fee. Just adult sites where you can enjoy at $1 ~ 2 a day. Of course, there is no claim of an additional charge because it is a fixed fee. You can use with confidence.

Please be assured. The Japanese porn site name is not listed in your credit card statement. Such as “DWTRACE.NET”, “DI SERVE”, “DTISERVE”, “MAXX international”, “DW SERV.COM”, are described in the name on the credit card agency company that can not be reminiscent of the adult sites. Your wife never realize from the credit card statement.