FAQ about Japanese porn sites

This page summarizes the frequently asked questions related to Japanese porn sites. If you have any questions in addition to the following Q&A, please contact us from here. Japanese Porn Guide.com is encrypted with all the pages. Please be assured because your e-mail address will be no leaked to the outside.

The Japanese porn sites that are introduced in my site are all safe and secure adult site. I believe there are three important points of safety and peace of mind. First the handling of personal information, second you can unsubscribe properly and Third no strange claim. The membership page to enter personal information such as ID, password and credit card information is encrypted with SSL, also are listed neatly further withdrawal page. The adult sites have fixed fee system, which has been introduced in my site, and does not have the strange charge in the use experience of myself. Your credit card information was not managed by the adult site, has been managed by the credit card settlement company. This mechanism is the same as shopping sites such as Amazon. Since I have introduced the Japanese porn sites that are tightly controlled and managed join, withdrawal and personal information, please with confidence.

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In the Japanese domestic law to the men cock and pussy should be a mosaic. However, there is no such regulation in sexual expression in the United States and European law. Therefore Japanese porn sites that are introduced in this site has delivered from the countries other than Japan server. Because basically the law is a principle of territoriality, even the information on the Internet, the law on the location of the server and the management company will be applied.

Recently, an increasing number of illegal downloads and one-click fraud. It is described as the admission by simply clicking on the video button, or to charge a fee. Also after watching, they threatened to be the illegal downloading if not join, has a growing number of such adult site. Of course, this site has introduced only good Japanese adult sites. I have delivered JAV porn completely free on this site, it encrypts all of the page for you to be able to watch at ease.

If you are looking only free SEX videos, you will sometimes meet in such a suspicious adult site. But I think many people do not know, FC2 Videos also has received a crackdown by the authorities, famous XVideo.com has received investigation of the FBI. But it is best to be able to use it at ease.