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About Pinky

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    the details of the membership fee when I joined Pinky
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Pinky user review

Mr Pink:★★★★★
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In the chance discount campaign period when I joined before, it was really good I used for three months. It was a good content also entered in the list price, I am waiting the campaign, want long-term admission cheaply even a little (laughs).

If you want to decide to join compared to other JAV amateur porn sites, please refer to this page. "The best amateur porn site is 10musume, GACHINCO, H4610? Thorough comparison with uncensored SEX videos" To join Pinky, Click here

How to join and withdrawal Pinky

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・At only just $1.5 a day you can download JAV porn every day, Fixed fee No additional charge!
・Moreover If you join XXX, Pinky and XXX also available at further cheaper fee !!

  • Pinky Join page :
    1. You can join in landing page "「申込みする」 (To register)" button.

    Pinky join page 1

    2. Enter your desired user ID and password.

    Pinky join page 2

    3. After you enter your email address and credit card (or debit card) information, admission procedure is complete. You will receive registration confirmation email to the registered e-mail address.

    Pinky join page 3

  • Membership fee :
    All Japanese porn sites that are introduced in our site are a complete fixed fee system. Since there is no additional charges, you need not worry.

    30 day  $45  VIP member $65
    60 day  $85  VIP member $105
    90 day  $118 VIP member
    180 day $225 VIP member
    360 day $420 VIP member

  • Free sample porn video :
    If you want to watch in "Pinky", please click the banner image above. Without need of free membership registration, you can enjoy sample porn videos. "サンプルダウンロード" button means sample download.

    The screenshot image of free porn video list page on Pinky 1

    The screenshot image of free porn video list page on Pinky 2

  • Translation :
    I recommend that you install Google toolbar in order to translate "Pinky". Because there is only Japanese version of Pinky.

  • Cancellation page :
    You can easily withdraw with "ID" and "PASSWORD". You shall submit them the cancellation request form at least 7 days prior to the next payment. Please note that after you cancel your membership, you can keep using our site until your current membership term expires. When the membership cancellation process is completed, you will receive a confirmation e-mail.

    Pinky cancellation form

Pinky banner image

To join Pinky, Click here