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Table of Contents
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How to join and unsubscribe Tokyo-Hot
How to join Tokyo-Hot
1. Here is the link to Tokyo-Hot's enrollment page. Click the "Join" button for each membership plan.2. All you have to do is set up your own user ID and enter your personal information such as email address, name, zip code, and credit card information to complete the enrollment process.
3. A login ID and password will be sent to your registered email address. You will then be able to login to Tokyo-Hot.
How to unsubscribe Tokyo-Hot
1. The unsubscribe page is at the bottom of the join page, there is a button of the "Request cancellation".2. The unsubscribe page linked, just to enter user ID, e-mail address and password, withdrawal procedure is terminated.
Please perform the withdrawal procedure the day before membership period renewal date. Because it is automatic renewal scheme, fee and member are continued automatically If you do not do withdrawal procedure. Please note in this regard.
To join Tokyo-Hot, Click here