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the credit card statement when I was a member of the 30 day of Urekko club

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About Urekko club

Urekko club is affordable and safe
  • You can get both uncensored JAV milf videos and domestic popular mature erotic videos (unfortunately mosaic videos)
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    some of the uncensored JAV SEX videos I downloaded when I was a member of the Urekko Club
  • The fare is only $1.6 per day! Only $48 (4,958 yen) a month! There is no additional charge nor illegal claim. As evidence I will show you the credit card billing statement when I was a 30-day member of Urekko Club.
    Urekko club membership fee statement

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If you want to decide on a site to join compared to other JAV MILF sites, please refer to this page. "The best JAV MILF site PacoPacoMama? Jukujo club? H0930? Thorough comparison with MILF SEX videos" To join Urekko club, Click here

How to join and unsubscribe Urekko club

1. You can get both uncensored JAV milf videos and Japanese popular mature erotic videos!
2. You can download JAV milf videos for 20, 30 or 40 JAVs daily. Downloaded milf videos are yours forever!
3. The fare is only $1.6 per day! Only $48 (4,958 yen) a month! There is no additional charge nor illegal claim.

  • How to join Urekko club :
    1. You can join in landing page "入会する (means Sign Up)" button.

    How to join Urekko club 1

    2. You will enter ID set by yourself, your e-mail address and credit card information. After you enter, it will be issued immediately to ID and password to e-mail address registered. It is possible to log in with the ID and password, you can enjoy the porn videos of Japanese beautiful MILF in Urekko Club.

    How to join Urekko club 2

    3. The discount coupon code. Please use at the time of admission by all means.
    Coupon code : eroero5

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    The Media Planet coupon code

    4. Now you can download and get lots of JAV milf videos too. So let me show you some of the uncensored JAV SEX videos I downloaded when I was a member of the Urekko Club.

    some of the uncensored JAV SEX videos I downloaded when I was a member of the Urekko Club

  • Membership fee :
    All Japanese porn sites that are introduced in our site are a complete fixed fee system. Since there is no additional charges, please do not worry.

    2 weeks trial plan $29 Impossible to play Premiere Movie
    Day time plan $24 Impossible to play Premiere Movie
    1 month  $48 Impossible to play Premiere Movie
    3 month  $108 Premiere Movie OK
    12 month  $292 Premiere Movie OK

    This is the credit card charge statement when I was 30 days member.

    Urekko club membership fee statement

  • Free MILF porn video :
    If you want to watch free sample porno of Japanese MILF in "Urekko Club", Click the banner image above. Without need of free membership registration, you can enjoy almost all of sample clips (Streaming play) on each pages, Click "サンプル再生" buttun. Since the free sample video is Flash, please note that you may not be played on smartphones. If you can not play in the smart phone, it is recommended that you re-access on a PC. Also, because it is a free sample videos before joining, there is also a sample porn movie that contains the mosaic.

    The free MILF porn video in Urekko club 1

    The free MILF porn video in Urekko club 2

  • Translation :
    I recommend that you install Google toolbar in order to translate "Urekko Club". Because there is only Japanese version of Urekko Club.

  • How to unsubscribe Urekko club :
    1. Cancellation page is below the Join page. There is "こちらの退会フォーム" button.

    How to unsubscribe Urekko club 1

    2.There is a questionnaire page on the link destination. You can ignore the questionnaire.

    How to unsubscribe Urekko club 2

    3. After you enter user ID, email address, password, your withdrawal is over. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the registered e-mail address.

    How to unsubscribe Urekko club 3

    You can easily withdraw. After withdrawal procedure, it can be available without problem until membership expiration. But two special contents, Special and Premier movies, you will not be able to download at the time you made the withdrawal process. Please Note this point.

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To join Urekko club, click here