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Legs Japan is a safe and secure fixed fee system!! Uncensored JAV footjob videos can be watched for only $1 a day!
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This is a credit card statement when I was a monthly member of Legs Japan. It is only 3,300 yen (about $30) a month, and only $1 a day. Legs Japan is a safe and secure fixed fee system. So there are no additional charges or fraudulent charges other than this membership fee. Uncensored JAV erotic videos are unlimited at only $1 a day! You can download it freely. Let me show you some of the uncensored JAV erotic videos I actually downloaded from Legs Japan.
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I will teach you how to join legs Japan at a discount rate!!
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How to join Legs Japan at a discounted fee :
The membership fee of Legs Japan seems to be automatically decided by artificial intelligence of credit card payment company Vendo. Therefore, the monthly membership fee will be automatically decided within the range of 3,000 yen to 5,000 yen. Therefore, even if you try the method below, please understand that the fee may be slightly different from my time. Even so, it is now time to discount negotiations against artificial intelligence.
1. First of all, you will do the join procedure halfway through the linked page. Just type in your email address and username and it’s OK. When I first tried to proceed, the monthly membership fee was 4,400 yen as shown in the picture below.
2. If you do not settle the credit card after entering your email address and user name, you will receive such email. Clicking the link of the mail will allow you to join the discounted fee.
3. You can now join with a discount of 3,300 yen (about $30) discounted over 1,000 yen.
4. If you enter your credit card information, the join process is completed. It store and manage your credit card information in the card payment company Vendo. Your credit card information is not on adult sites where security seems suspicious. Please do not worry.
5. After join procedure, login ID and password will be sent by e-mail.
Now you can watch uncensored JAV footjob videos and download unlimited. Please enjoy the female feet as much as you like.
And let’s teach not only how to join but also how to withdraw in order to feel relieved and to join Legs Japan. Resigning Legs Japan is easier than joining. Then let’s explain in detail how to unsubscribe with images.
How to unsubscribe Legs Japan :
1. On the unsubscribe page, there is a link on the support page after joining. You can log in to your credit card agency Vendo with your e-mail address and password.
2. You can unsubscribe from the login page.
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About Legs Japan
Legs Japan user review
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